As a cooperative, PMT is owned by the people it serves. Each membership carries with it one share in the ownership of the company and one vote in the democratic process that guides it. This March, PMT members will be able to exercise their rights by casting their vote for one, three-year Director position. In addition to voting, members are also invited and encouraged to attend the 2020 PMT Annual Meeting.
PMT Annual Meeting
March 30, 2020
6:30 pm – Registration and Voting
7:00 pm – Call to Order
PMT Frazier Building Conference Room
701 6th Street, Rupert, ID
Voting Options
There is one, three-year director position up for voting this year. The candidates are Kevin Smith and Jason Gibbons.
Vote at either the Burley or Rupert PMT offices on March 30, 2020, from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm.
Request an Absentee Ballot and return it to the Secretary prior to 5:00 pm on March 30, 2020
For more information about the Annual Meeting, or to request an absentee ballot, please call PMT’s Administrative Office in Rupert at (208) 436-7151.