The PMT Foundation is seeking applications from organizations in the Magic Valley to receive financial funds that help support, sustain and improve our community.  Favorable consideration will be given to:

  • Projects that reach a broader segment of the community.
  • Requests for seed money to realize unusual opportunities that meet urgent to special needs in the community.
  • Stimulate and encourage additional funding for community projects.
  • Promote cooperation and partnerships within the community.

The deadline to submit grant applications is August 16, 2019.

Application forms are available at or PMT offices in Burley or Rupert.

For more information contact Rick Harder at (208) 434-7124.

About the PMT Foundation

The PMT Foundation was created in 2006 by the PMT Board of Directors as a charitable foundation. The Foundation furthers education in communities served by Project Mutual Telephone through its scholarship program, and supports projects and programs that sustain and improve those communities.

To date, the Foundation has helped over 48 area students with funding to further their education beyond high school by continuing the scholarship tradition that PMT established in 1990.  The Foundation has contributed over $190,000 in grant awards to community organizations that help sustain and improve our local community through various projects.


2017 Recipients

2018 Recipients