PMT has helped support over 200 families with free Internet service up to 60 days while schools switched to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. When the schools had to suddenly close and pivot to lessons at home, it left many of our community members without the ability for their children to learn online. PMT contacted the school districts to see how we could help. The schools then contacted their students to let them know PMT would provide free Internet service on an interim basis for the areas we served.
“Our PMT employees stepped up to the challenge, and we were able to install Internet into many homes in a short amount of time,” stated Dan Hoover, PMT CEO. “As a community-based company, it is our responsibility to help when and where we can, PMT has a long history of community service.”
Minidoka County School District Superintendent, Kenneth Cox, Ph.D. stated, “We have been able to provide online learning to approximately 97% of our students, either through PMT services or families making other arrangements. These are challenging times, and we appreciate PMT doing their part to help make the Internet available to so many of our families.”