Digging? Don’t Forget to Call 811 First

Each year, PMT encounters damage done by contractors, residential, and business customers who are digging for a variety of reasons.  From setting a post for a mailbox that was knocked over by a snow plow, to placing sprinkler systems, to adding on or building a new home, buried utilities can be encountered just about anywhere.  To minimize damage to our fiber, telephone, and cable TV facilities, we would like to remind our customers to call Dig Line at least two business days before you plan to start digging.

A call to 811 or 1-800-342-1585 will save you time, as most of the utility companies in our area are associated with Dig Line.  One call notifies all participating utilities in your area, and Dig Line will provide you a list of each company that should respond to your request.  The call is free, as is the locating service they provide.  It couldn’t be easier!

Remember, state law requires a call to Dig Line, so it is for your protection as well as ours.  If cables are cut and there was no call to Dig Line, you may be held responsible for triple the cost of relocating or repairing the damages, as well as the possibility of a civil fine of up to $10,000 for repeat offenders.

Please, take the free and easy route and make a call to  811  or submit a request online.  Remember, “One Call Does it All”!


Don’t Forget to Call 811 Before Doing Any Digging


Each spring, we include information about a service called Digline in our customer newsletter. And each spring, we have buried utilities damaged that could have been prevented with one toll free call. Digline is a free service available to anyone who is planning on doing digging of any kind. It requires a phone call to 811 or 1-800-342-1585 two working days before the digging starts. Digline will notify any participating utility companies who may have buried services in the area, saving you the time and trouble. A list of the entities those notifications will be sent to is provided to the customer at the time of the call, so you know who may have utilities in the area that you can expect to locate.

If you would like more information about the service Digline provides, or the laws and policies related to excavation in Idaho, you can visit their website at www.digline.com. You can also request a locate via that same website, and get answers to frequently asked questions.
Remember, the excavator under Idaho Code is “any person who engages directly in excavating”. So, if you are the one digging, even if it is for someone else, you are responsible for making sure that the locate request is called in before the digging starts, and for the cost of any damage that may occur if you don’t. Please, dig safely and wisely, and be sure to call Digline at 811 or 1-800-342-1585 first.