2021 PMT Foundation Scholarship Awards

Four Magic Valley graduates will each be awarded a $2000 PMT Foundation Scholarship. They are Kent Merrill, Maisie Neilson, and Hana Pfeiffer of Minico High School and Jeremy Case of Twin Falls High School.  All four showed outstanding academic performance, exemplary community and extra-curricular involvement, and dedication to their future education.


PMT Foundation Board President Marianne Welch stated, “The scholarship committee was very impressed with the exceptional applications we received this year. We appreciate that so many graduating seniors across the entire Magic Valley and Mini-Cassia areas participate in our scholarship application process every year. I’m confident the outstanding efforts of these seniors throughout high school will be a strong foundation for their success in college and beyond. On behalf of the PMT Foundation Board, I want to extend sincere congratulations to our 2021 scholarship winners and wish them all the best!”


Jeremy Case is a determined graduate of Twin Falls High School, where he worked hard both in and out of the classroom while maintaining a 4.0 GPA.  He has been highly involved in 4-H, FFA, and Business Professionals of America and works part-time.   Jeremy plans on attending Utah State University, majoring in Molecular Biology with minors in Chemistry and Spanish.  He plans to further his education and earn a Ph.D. in Biotechnology.


Kent Merrill of Minico High School is a hardworking student, athlete, and community volunteer.  Throughout his high school career, he maintained a 4.0 GPA while taking a rigorous course load, student government, and high school athletics. He plans on attending Idaho State University this fall, where he plans to study mathematics and science.


Maisie Neilson is a Minico High School graduate who finished her high school career with a 3. 8 GPA and an associate’s degree from CSI. Maisie was involved in softball, cheerleading, and the National Honors Society.  Maisie also received the Health Hero award for spreading awareness about the dangers of vaping and tobacco use to children and youth. In addition to her schooling, Maisie also worked part-time.  Maisie is enrolling in the College of Idaho’s pre-law program and studying political science. After her undergraduate work, she plans on attending law school.


Hana Pfeiffer finished top of her class at Minico High School with a 4.0 GPA.  Hana is highly involved both in the classroom and in her community.  She served in student government, was President of Minico’s National Honor Society, was involved in yearbook and 4-H, and is a Healthy Teen Living Advocate. Outside the classroom, Hana is involved in dance and volunteering her time in the community.  In addition, Hana works part-time and served as a Senate Page for the 2021 Idaho Legislative Session.  Hana will attend the College of Idaho, majoring in Environmental Economy with minors in Environmental Science, Criminal Justice, and Natural Resources. After earning her undergraduate degree, she has her eyes set on law school.

In its 15th year of existence, the PMT Foundation’s creation was authorized by the PMT Board of Directors as a charitable foundation to support worthy community projects and educational scholarships. The PMT Foundation furthers education in communities served by PMT through its scholarship program and supports projects and programs that sustain and improve those communities through community grants.

2020 Grant Recipients

The PMT Foundation awarded $14,800 to organizations in the Magic Valley, each seeking to help sustain and improve our community.

“Although 2020 has been an extremely unusual year in most ways, one thing remains consistent, the Magic Valley is blessed with countless non-profit organizations that serve so many.  We are pleased to announce our 2020 grant recipients and want to thank them for their efforts to positively impact the communities they serve in our beautiful Magic Valley.”
states Marianne Welch, PMT Foundation Chairman.

As a customer-owned cooperative, Project Mutual Telephone (PMT) pays patronage dividends back to customers every year based on services used. When those monies go unclaimed for a number of years, they are transferred over to the PMT Foundation, which focuses on furthering education through a scholarship program and supporting community projects through grant awards.

The 2020 recipients were:

  • Golden Heritage Senior Center – $1,000 – To purchase food trays for the Meals on Wheels program. The Senior Center delivers around 56 meals daily to homebound seniors.
  • Jerome Senior Center – $1,800 – For a new refrigerator for the Center’s Community Room.
  • Mini-Cassia Search and Rescue – $2,500 – To purchase and update 20+ year old extrication equipment.
  • Mountain View Christian Center Pantry – $5,000 – To replace a commercial freezer that is no longer working. The Pantry relies on this freezer to store food so they can distribute it to those in need.
  • The Magic Valley Area Humanitarian Center – $2,000 – To install Handicap Automatic Door Openers.
  • Wilson Theatre – Wilson Theatre – $2,500 – To purchase a 20×40 tent to use at larger events, conferences, weddings, and parties held at the restored Theatre.


PMT Grant Applications are awarded once a year and will become available again in the summer of 2021.


About PMT Foundation

The PMT Foundation was created in 2006 by the PMT Board of Directors as a charitable foundation. The Foundation helps further education in communities served by PMT through its scholarship program.  It also supports projects and programs that sustain and improve those communities.



About PMT 

Project Mutual Telephone (PMT) is a full-service communications company providing local telephone and its associated features, including long distance and voicemail, cell phone service, cable TV, IPTV, high-speed internet, directory publishing and computer networking and repair for home and office.  Headquartered in Rupert, Idaho, PMT has been serving the Magic Valley since 1916.  PMT serves 8,000 member customers and has offices in Rupert, Burley and Twin Falls, ID.


Past Year’s Recipients

2019 Recipients
2018 Recipients
2017 Recipients

2020 PMT Foundation Scholarships

Each Year, the PMT Foundation awards scholarships to local graduating seniors who plan on continuing their education. Over the past 29 years, PMT, and now the PMT Foundation, has awarded scholarships to 40 deserving seniors in the Magic Valley.

This year, the PMT Foundation is pleased to be able to continue the tradition of awarding scholarships. Applications for the 2020 PMT Foundation Scholarships are now available at www.bb.pmt.org or through participating area high school counselors’ offices. The Foundation will award, at a minimum, three $2,000 scholarships in 2020. To be considered for a scholarship, applications are due by March 31, 2020.

The PMT Foundation scholarship is designed to assist graduating seniors who wish to continue their education at a college, university or trade school the summer or fall immediately following their high school graduation.

PMT Foundation Board Members will select the successful applicants based on the information provided on the application. Need is not necessarily a guideline for selecting scholarship recipients, but all items being equal, it may be used in determining awardees. The primary criteria are the student’s academic record, demonstrated achievement or leadership and answers to questions on the application.

For questions regarding the PMT Foundation Scholarship Application process, please contact your local PMT office, or email us at pmt@pmt.org.


About the PMT Foundation

The PMT Foundation was created in 2006 by the PMT Board of Directors as a charitable foundation. The Foundation furthers education in communities served by Project Mutual Telephone through its scholarship program, and it supports projects and programs that sustain and improve those communities.

To date, the Foundation has helped over 48 area students with funding to further their education beyond high school by continuing the scholarship tradition that PMT established in 1990. The Foundation has contributed over $190,000 in grant award to community organizations that help sustain and improve our local community through various projects.

PMT Foundation Awards $8000 in Scholarships to Local Students

Four Magic Valley graduates will each be awarded a $2000 PMT Foundation Scholarship. They are Carol Blauer of Burley, Makenzy Whittekiend of Wendell, and Rylee Carter and Cassie Beene both of Rupert. All four showed outstanding academic performance, as well as exemplary community and extra-curricular involvement and dedication to their future education.

“Once again our pool of scholarship applicants was outstanding.  With that said, these four students really stood out to all members of our selection committee.  On behalf of the PMT Foundation board members I’d like to congratulate our four $2000 scholarship recipients and wish them much success in their college endeavors,” said PMT Foundation Board Chairman Marianne Welch. In the past 29 years, PMT, and now the PMT Foundation, have awarded $132,500 in scholarships to our communities’ children. The four recipients are from across the Magic Valley.

Carol Blauer is a hard-working graduate from Burley High School, who maintained a 4.0 GPA while being involved in many extra-curricular activities, sports, clubs, as well as working outside of school. Carol was an active member of the National Honors Society, Health Occupations Students of America, and Future Farmers of America, as well as participating in volleyball, track and basketball for BHS. She plans on attending the Brigham Young University this fall, working towards becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner by obtaining a Master of Science Degree in Nursing.

Makenzy Whittekiend is a dedicated student from Hagerman High School with a 3.97 GPA. Makenzy took a challenging course load, taking many dual-credit classes during her high school career, as well as being highly involved in FFA, where she was an active leader in her chapter and received state and national awards.  In addition to her schooling, club involvement and volunteer work, Mackenzy also worked part time throughout her high school years.  She plans on finishing her Associate’s Degree at the College of Southern Idaho majoring in Natural Resource Management and Geographic Information Systems, then transferring to Utah State University to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Ecology and Management.

Cassie Beene of Rupert is a dedicated student who finished her high school career with a 3.94 GPA and 41 college credits. Cassie was an active participant in FFA and 4-H where she held many offices in both organizations.  In addition, she volunteered many hours in her community and worked part-time at the Rupert Animal Clinic. She plans on attending the College of Idaho where she will finish her Associate’s Degree in Agriculture Business and then transfer to Montana State University to get a Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Business with a minor in Animal Science.

Rylee Carter graduated top of her class at Minico High School where she worked hard during her high school career taking challenging courses while maintaining a 4.0 GPA.  She’s been involved in the National Honor Society, Spartan Singers and Science Club.  She has also volunteered her time outside of school, as well as working part time. Rylee plans to attend Idaho State University and will major in secondary education with a focus on mathematics.

In its 13th year of existence, the PMT Foundation’s creation was authorized by the PMT Board of Directors as a charitable foundation for the purposes of supporting worthy community projects and educational scholarships. The PMT Foundation furthers education in communities served by PMT through its scholarship program and supports projects and programs that sustain and improve those communities through community grants.

The 2019 PMT Foundation board members are Marianne Welch, Chairman; Jim Evans, Vice-Chairman; Rick Harder, Secretary;  LaLanne Delis, Alan Johnson, Patty Temple, Jennie Schow, and Diana Warburton.