Offers & Savings

PMT passes savings along to its customers whenever we can. We invite you to take advantage of our savings opportunities, adding more value to your PMT service and experience. You’ll discover offers here, including many of the current services you know and love!

The more PMT services you have, the more you save!

Choose from the PMT services listed below to create a money-saving combination that fits your needs.  Everything you need.  Nothing you don't.

Need help deciding which internet plan is best for you? Use our Internet Speed Calculator.

Bundle Builder

Pick 2 Core Services
10% discount
Pick 3 Core Services
15% discount
Pick 4 Core Services
20% discount
Pick 5 Core Services
25% discount

Local Calling


Tech Force

Unlimited Long Distance

Local Calling (above) is required in order to select unlimited long distance.

Home Security